Одушевљена сам сликама и целом идејом. Иако сама нисам љубитељ сликања и немам толико стрпљења, Валентина је била јако пријатна, професионална и много добра са бебом, па је свима нама било уживање!
Sve preporuke za Valentinu :) Strpljiva, umiljata, nezna
Ana Djordjevic
Valentina je cudo, ona nije samo fotograf, ona je i blago za svaku majku. Dosta sam naucila od nje dok je drzala i uspavljivala moju bebu, tako da smo i beba i ja uzivali, i konacno sam se odmorila znajuci da neko brine o nama 🩵
Valentina je mila, strpljiva i veoma pazljiva sa bebom. Daje vremena malim glumcima da se spreme za fotkanje i vrlo posvećeno pristupa svakom snimku. Potpuno je opremljena svim rekvizitima, ručno radjenom garderobicom i igračkicama, tako da nije potrebna nikakva priprema za njen dolazak.
Pravi je profesionalac i vidi se da mnogo voli svoj posao.
Милан Костовић
Слике су прелепе, очигледна професионалност у раду. Ђурђа баш и није била расположена за сликање али је све лепо испало.
Ирина Щербакова
Фотографии восхитительные! Спасибо за профессионализм и нежное отношение к ребенку и родителям. 🌺
Мы еще в России хотели newborn фотосессию
Но так получилось, что мы переехали в Белград осенью, и нам очень повезло, что мы нашли здесь вас
Заранее договорились о нарядах, которые нам больше всего нравятся
В назначенный день Валентина пришла к нам с всем атрибутом и техникой.
А дальше началась =)
Наша девочка примеряла на себе раз за разом нереально милые волшебные сказочные образы.
За самим процессом наблюдать одно удовольствие
Мы были расслаблены, полностью доверились фотографу, и эти несколько часов прошли как один миг
Спасибо вам большое, что запечатлели этот ее волшебный возраст
Образы - супер, фотографии - огонь
Все в восторге от вашей работы
Очень приятно было с вами иметь дело!
Beautiful experience. Valentina is very calm and patient with the baby. She has professional equipment and wonderful dresses and clothes that make photos unique and special. Our baby had colics during the photosession but with Valentina’s help everything passed smooth and calm.
Awesome! Professionalism both in filming and in communicating with the baby, I thought I would get tired both physically and mentally for the whole process of filming, but!!! On the contrary, mothers can rest calmly for 3-4 hours))) No stress for the baby, and this is the most important moment. And the photos turned out just amazing. Thank you very much! And I wish you good luck, so that everything works out for you in a new place)
Valentina, thank you very much for the cool pictures! Sweet, kind, gets along well with children, a professional in her field, I recommend!
The photos are beautiful, it was still clear from the source, very gentle and original Thank you very much for the work, for the pleasant communication and company, it was very pleasant to interact! We will print out the photos and admire this masterpiece in a large format)) Thank you!!!
It was an incredible experience) Our baby felt as comfortable as possible, in the arms of a wonderful Valentina she slept like a happy kitten) and the photos exceeded the wildest expectations, now we will never forget this baby age 💖
Many thanks to Valentina for the wonderful shooting of our family. I got pleasant emotions from shooting, wonderful shots, free hands (for the whole day =))))
Our baby! Moms, I heartily recommend Valya! 4 hours of photography took place in a magical atmosphere, the baby did not utter a single word. You will relax and enjoy the process, and then such incredible photos! THANKS A LOT! I wish you more such angel clients, excellent work, inspiration and satisfaction!
Valya, the photos are simply the most beautiful, we are delighted. It’s so wonderful that we found you, we never regretted the decision to order a photo session for our newborn baby!) We will watch and review!
Valya what to call it! It’s just something incredible. Each photo is a masterpiece! You are just the sunshine in our lives! How great to have you! thank you very much
A week after the birth, we were lucky to be a model for the wonderful Valentina.
Despite the fact that Glafira was not particularly in the mood for a photo shoot, thanks to Valya, her patience, her ability to find contact with the baby, her sense of beauty — such a beauty turned out! I love people who enjoy what they do ♥
Today Mashunya and Artyom and I had a wonderful morning, with an incredible photo nanny, I would even say a photo fairy 🥰 Insanely warm, sensitive, gentle, attentive and accurate 💫 It’s love at first sight ❤ My kids felt calm and comfortable, I didn’t even think that everything will go so easily))) Time flew by with incredible speed in such an environment. To be honest, I want more. 🤗 And this is not advertising, it’s from the heart…💫
Oh god, I’m ecstatic. It’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen. You are simply a master of your craft. I knew it would be cool, but so 😍 My God, I just have no words. Huge, huge thanks ❤️.
Одушевљена сам сликама и целом идејом. Иако сама нисам љубитељ сликања и немам толико стрпљења, Валентина је била јако пријатна, професионална и много добра са бебом, па је свима нама било уживање!
divna devojka,profesionalna,strpljiva,zna sa bebama da radi, slike prelepe a album jos lepsi, odnosno ceo raspored fotografija
sve preporuke
prezadovoljni profesionalnoscu devojke, kako zna sa bebama, koliko vremena,truda i strpljenja ulozi, za svaku preporuku
Slike su predivne. Prezadoviljni smo. Jedva cekamo da stigne fotoknjiga!!!
Ovo je nesto najlepseeee na svetu.
Валентина лучший фотограф новорожденных в Сербии! Малышке уже почти год, а я не перестаю любоваться фотографиями❤️
Отличные фото... фотограф профи
Sve preporuke za Valentinu :) Strpljiva, umiljata, nezna
Ana Djordjevic
Valentina je cudo, ona nije samo fotograf, ona je i blago za svaku majku. Dosta sam naucila od nje dok je drzala i uspavljivala moju bebu, tako da smo i beba i ja uzivali, i konacno sam se odmorila znajuci da neko brine o nama 🩵
Bojan Pištinjat
Slike su fenomenalne! Jana je odlično ispala, super odabir kadrova.
Maja Viskovic Negovanovic
Hvala dragoj Valentini na strpljenju i predivnim fotografijama.
Poljubac od bebe Nede, koja je posebno uzivala taj dan🩷
Jelena Stojanović
Zadovoljni smo našim prelepim fotografijama 🍀🍀🍀
Prelepost❤️ Veliki hvala sto ste nam ulepsali dan, radite divno sa bebom i za svaku ste preporuku.
Predivno iskustvo i predivne uspomene. Za svaku pohavlu!
Hvala Valentina!
Jako si profesionalna i prezadovoljni smo slikama ❤️
Ilija Eror
Odlično je, svaka čast na fotografijama.
Milena Maravic
Valentina je mila, strpljiva i veoma pazljiva sa bebom. Daje vremena malim glumcima da se spreme za fotkanje i vrlo posvećeno pristupa svakom snimku. Potpuno je opremljena svim rekvizitima, ručno radjenom garderobicom i igračkicama, tako da nije potrebna nikakva priprema za njen dolazak.
Pravi je profesionalac i vidi se da mnogo voli svoj posao.
Милан Костовић
Слике су прелепе, очигледна професионалност у раду. Ђурђа баш и није била расположена за сликање али је све лепо испало.
Ирина Щербакова
Фотографии восхитительные! Спасибо за профессионализм и нежное отношение к ребенку и родителям. 🌺
Мы еще в России хотели newborn фотосессию
Но так получилось, что мы переехали в Белград осенью, и нам очень повезло, что мы нашли здесь вас
Заранее договорились о нарядах, которые нам больше всего нравятся
В назначенный день Валентина пришла к нам с всем атрибутом и техникой.
А дальше началась =)
Наша девочка примеряла на себе раз за разом нереально милые волшебные сказочные образы.
За самим процессом наблюдать одно удовольствие
Мы были расслаблены, полностью доверились фотографу, и эти несколько часов прошли как один миг
Спасибо вам большое, что запечатлели этот ее волшебный возраст
Образы - супер, фотографии - огонь
Все в восторге от вашей работы
Очень приятно было с вами иметь дело!
you are the BEST photographer 💗💗💗💗
Beautiful experience. Valentina is very calm and patient with the baby. She has professional equipment and wonderful dresses and clothes that make photos unique and special. Our baby had colics during the photosession but with Valentina’s help everything passed smooth and calm.
Awesome! Professionalism both in filming and in communicating with the baby, I thought I would get tired both physically and mentally for the whole process of filming, but!!! On the contrary, mothers can rest calmly for 3-4 hours))) No stress for the baby, and this is the most important moment. And the photos turned out just amazing. Thank you very much! And I wish you good luck, so that everything works out for you in a new place)
Valentina, thank you very much for the cool pictures! Sweet, kind, gets along well with children, a professional in her field, I recommend!
The photos are beautiful, it was still clear from the source, very gentle and original
Thank you very much for the work, for the pleasant communication and company, it was very pleasant to interact!
We will print out the photos and admire this masterpiece in a large format))
Thank you!!!
It was an incredible experience) Our baby felt as comfortable as possible, in the arms of a wonderful Valentina she slept like a happy kitten) and the photos exceeded the wildest expectations, now we will never forget this baby age 💖
Valentina is just smart, a good person, a good photographer. We all really enjoyed it!
Many thanks to Valentina for the wonderful shooting of our family. I got pleasant emotions from shooting, wonderful shots, free hands (for the whole day =))))
Our baby!
Moms, I heartily recommend Valya! 4 hours of photography took place in a magical atmosphere, the baby did not utter a single word. You will relax and enjoy the process, and then such incredible photos! THANKS A LOT! I wish you more such angel clients, excellent work, inspiration and satisfaction!
Valya, the photos are simply the most beautiful, we are delighted. It’s so wonderful that we found you, we never regretted the decision to order a photo session for our newborn baby!) We will watch and review!
Valya what to call it! It’s just something incredible. Each photo is a
masterpiece! You are just the sunshine in our lives! How great to have you! thank you very much
Hooray! How lovely! I want to see more and more photos))) thank you very much!
A week after the birth, we were lucky to be a model for the wonderful Valentina.
Despite the fact that Glafira was not particularly in the mood for a photo shoot, thanks to Valya, her patience, her ability to find contact with the baby, her sense of beauty — such a beauty turned out! I love people who enjoy what they do ♥
Today Mashunya and Artyom and I had a wonderful morning, with an incredible photo nanny, I would even say a photo fairy 🥰
Insanely warm, sensitive, gentle, attentive and accurate
💫 It’s love at first sight ❤ My kids felt calm and comfortable, I didn’t even think that everything will go so easily))) Time flew by with incredible speed in such an environment. To be honest, I want more. 🤗
And this is not advertising, it’s from the heart…💫
Oh god, I’m ecstatic. It’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen. You are simply a master of your craft. I knew it would be cool, but so 😍
My God, I just have no words.
Huge, huge thanks ❤️.